ShareFile Mobile

ShareFile Mobile

ShareFile Mobile is a secure, cloud-based, file sharing platform, primarily for business users, created by Citrix. The service is stable, flexible and, for a monthly fee, lets you store and share multiple file types with fellow workers. There are some useful file management tools here too and documents can be downloaded and viewed offline. The app is neat and tidy, relatively easy to use and well designed. It’s essentially an online space for sharing files with colleagues, perhaps like Dropbox but more corporate-friendly and flexible. You sign up to the service- which is aimed at businesses, not individuals, and you are awarded a 30-day free trial, which is to be followed by a monthly subscription service which is priced according to storage space (default is 20GB) and number of employees with access.

The service is primarily web-based but the app gives you access to the files, the ability to download files for off-line reading, sharing, creating and more. The app is handy and perhaps useful for mobile users, but the website is more manageable (for example, you cannot move documents on the app, but you can- after a fashion- on the site) and more likely to be the place you spend the most time. You can create a desktop shortcut too, similar to Dropbox.

Sharing files is remarkably easy- like other cloud storage services, you ultimately send a secure link, which the receiver then opens and downloads the file. You can ‘send’ large files too, so it gets around waiting for FTP downloads. I found the experience similar to other apps, but I did find ShareFile remarkably quick- certainly to send and download speed was good. When recipients download the file, you can get the service to email you- ensuring you know the file has been successfully received and accessed.

I think with the right project and team, it would be an app business users use regularly, certainly if you are paying a monthly subscription. It would be great for disparate teams spread over multiple offices and locations and certainly mobile workers who need to access important files on the go. The tutorial is helpful, but when I signed up I quickly received a courtesy email from a ShareFile rep, eager to provide a more comprehensive demonstration. This would certainly be something you would utilize if you were serious about the solution.

When recipients download the file, you can get the service to email you- ensuring you know the file has been successfully received and accessed.

However, there are a few usability issues with the app in particular. More often than I would be happy with, I received a white-screen of death, where the app would not respond. While it might be convenient, you cannot sign up to the service via the app, you can only do this via the site. However, the app doesn’t actually tell you this, just refuses to respond once you have completed the obligatory forms. Finally and, for some users this will thoroughly irritate, you cannot remove the notification icon once you launch the app. You physically have to either remove the app or force it closed in your apps settings to lose the icon, even logging out isn’t enough.

It’s perhaps the little things like this that might put users off. However, I think the product, with some tweaks and ironing out of niggles, could be a robust and very secure solution for sharing on the cloud. The app is free to download and the service comes with a 30 day trial so it’s certainly worth a look if you need such a service. Be wary though as the account ‘automatically‘ upgrades to a subscription service (how it exactly does this I’m unsure though as my testing period is limited), so if you choose to leave, ensure you properly delete your account to be on the safe side.

ShareFile is a secure and useful sharing platform for business users, letting teams share and collaborate on files online. It’s mostly easy to use and, while it has a few niggly issues, is a good solution if your business needs such a service. As mentioned above, the app and the service are free to trial for 30 days so be sure to take a look.